True Stories Written by Kids for Kids
A BOOK by ME®, a book series developed by Deb Bowen, empowers students to preserve history by telling the story of unsung heroes in our communities. For the young participants, it's a cross-curricular project that gathers stories of people who have done amazing things but received little or no recognition. Students learn how to publish a picture book that is a primary source document complete with photographs and a biography.
Since 2003, I've been arranging meetings between students and senior citizens. Click here to find out how A BOOK by ME started.
This intergenerational storytelling results in unique storybooks that people of all ages love to read. There is a very short window of opportunity to interview a senior citizen from the WWII, the Civil Rights or Korean War eras. Now is the time.
You can choose from these series:
The instructions to learn how to get started are just a click away
As Rosie the Riveter would say "WE CAN DO THIS!"
For Students
Attention Young Authors and Artist
You must watch these videos before you start a project
“Empathy combined with leadership is what produces real change for the better in our world, by impacting the lives of individual people we encounter!”
How It Works
Step 1: Choose a subject, story coach, and register.
Step 2: Interview your subject. Follow the directions in the Writer's Guidelines and Coach Guidelines.
Step 3: Write your story about the subject. Edit and Revise.
Step 4: Illustrate the story.
Step 5: Review and complete project. Submit to contact@understandingworks.org
Never Forget Publishing is an innovative publishing company committed to preserving the stories of World War II, the Civil Rights era and other social justice stories of importance.
We specialize in a project designed for young authors called A BOOK by ME®. These books are written and illustrated by children for children.
**Note: All submissions will be reviewed and considered but Never Forget Publishing shall not be under any obligation to publish your submission.
For Teachers
We think it's important to support teachers when using A BOOK by ME stories in the classroom. Each book will include curriculum pages created by our team.
Below are some very generous grant opportunities you can easily apply for to put book sets in your region's schools. No long grant application. Short and sweet.
*Two of these require a community event so speaking in a classroom, an after school program, a public library or VFW would be perfect. Just bring in a veteran to read one of the books and talk about the importance of learning from powerful stories like this.
Order the books ahead of time and present them to the teacher and her classroom when you arrive.
Remember to thank your funder by inviting the press. If your part of a group (PTA, 4H, Girl or Boy Scouts, Key Club, etc.) organizing this, get your name out there too.
• Walmart Community Grant
• Allstate Community Grant*
• Thrivent Action Team* (call to inquire with local Thrivent financial advisor)
• PTA (ask if a student ambassador can speak about desired book set and request funds)
• Rotary Club (ask if a student ambassador can speak about desired book set and request funds)
• Lions Club (ask if a student ambassador can speak about desired book set and request funds)
• Kiwanis Club (ask if a student ambassador can speak about desired book set and request funds)
"I am pleased to say our project meets standards for literacy education. This includes what our young authors and illustrators do and what their readers learn in the classroom. We are committed to provide a project-based literacy instruction that aligns with the latest educational benchmarks.
A BOOK by ME supports student engagement in their communities and ensures that we are fostering the skills necessary for students' academic success. Don't miss out on the opportunity to perform Readers Theater scripts we've made available. We love to hear students are acting those out and connecting with senior citizens in their communities. It's my hope to help teachers make a lasting impact on students’ literacy journey!"
Deb Bowen
Buy a Book
Every purchase enables us to sustain and continue this history preservation project.
Interested in bringing A BOOK by ME® to Your Classroom? Contact us!