"Understanding Works" when we take time to listen with our ears and our hearts.
Our mission is to assist students and other individuals in being actively engaged in WORKS that improve their communities while developing an UNDERSTANDING of compassion and the benefits of performing acts of kindness.

A BOOK by ME® teaches history from the perspective of various subjects so authors, illustrators and their readers learn about compassion.
Purses with Purpose
Love Like Lorraine asks students to take action by filling gently used purses for women in need. This outreach provides hope to the homeless and others in need.
World Changers
You can help provide aid to students from developing countries. For a small amount of money, we can help change their world for the better with educational materials, clean water and more.
Buy a Book
Every purchase enables us to sustain and continue this history preservation project.
Interested in bringing A BOOK by ME to Your Classroom? Contact us!

“I started to read the materials and stories, and I could not put them down. It was so powerful to read both the student’s interpretation, as well as the direct stories from the survivors themselves. I have many times researched and studied the Holocaust, but these stories bring the experience to life.”