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Book Set 13 - Heroic & Courageous
Real People who Triumphed over Adversity
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Real People who Triumphed over Adversity
Real People who Triumphed over Adversity
Books included in Book Set 12
A True Legend
Al didn’t personally experience racism until his basic training in Alabama before his service during WWII. After the war, Al decided baseball was a good choice for him and joined Chicago’s Negro League team called the Chicago American Giants.
Paul Kessler was born at the start of WWII. When he was five years old, he awoke to screaming. He and his mother ran into the forest and hid there for weeks.
When young Evi and her sister Trudy were sent from Austria to France to escape the Nazis, their mother found a clever way to help them survive.
Did you ever think that a horse could be a hero? This story, imaginatively written as
though being told by a horse named Pete, proves that sometimes even an animal can bring about amazing changes in the lives of children with special needs.
As WWII raged on, Charlie joined the navy and ended up on a ship in the Pacific theater as the U.S. continued to fight Japan. He was also present when Japan signed the peace treaty that ended the war.
Can you imagine spending over a year and a half in the dark, underground, with very little to eat? Harold Kasimow and his family did just that!
As a young adult, with the start of World War II, Norman faced dramatic and
harrowing experiences. Using his education and his clever mind, he lived a double and even triple life, with multiple identities.
Ron’s family moved many times, and as a boy during the Great Depression he
worked at polishing shoes, being a paperboy, helping at a grocery store and having
a small newsstand, all to contribute to the family income. After Ron’s father left, he
became the main support for his family.
During WWII Eugenia learned about a new women’s volunteer service. She signed up and served in the very first class of the U.S. Navy WAVES. She is a proud veteran and hopes others will be inspired by her patriotism and devotion to her country.
Paul Schick was only six years old when Germany invaded and occupied his homeland of Czechoslovakia.