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Book Set 2 - Valiant Veterans
Real People who Triumphed over Adversity
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Real People who Triumphed over Adversity
Real People who Triumphed over Adversity
Books included in Book Set 2
A Spot to Fill
Toward the end of the war, Harold Beard and his fellow soldiers entered a concentration camp in Ohrdruf, Germany, where he saw first-hand the terrible suffering of Jews from the hands of the Nazis. In spite of what he witnessed, his strong faith and belief that everyone should live without hatred has guided his outlook throughout life.
Leland Chandler joined the Army during WWII and served in the Pacific theater. He was taken as a prisoner of war by the Japanese and treated horribly. Seventy years after the war he was invited back to Japan where he learned to forgive the sins of his former enemies.
Charles Kirkpatrick can certainly vouch for the fact that a lot can happen in 100 years! He was born in 1919 and tells his amazing story in 2019. He recalls farm life and family life before modern conveniences.
Read about Richard Rue's amazing life in early America and the sacriifices made for many freedoms Americans enjoy today.
James joined the U.S. Army at the age of 17 and served in the 23rd Infantry Division
during WWII. He was sent to Cebu, Philippines, and his job involved “cleaning up” or picking
up weapons in the villages and making sure the Japanese had left the area.
Alexander McCurdy fought bravely in the American Revolution. He was 22 years old when he enlisted to fight for America's independence from England. Alexander was wounded at Yorktown in the very last battle of the war.
Saul Schiff, a Jewish American soldier who witnessed the horrors of Hitler’s Holocaust. Saul served his country and helped win the war. Saul was assigned to sound ranging in the army, and traveled to France, Scotland, England, and Germany.
When Virgil Juliot was a young boy, he was fascinated by airplanes. Little did he know that he would someday become a navigator in a bomber and fly many successful missions during WWII.
In 1945, Joe was drafted into the army, like many young men during World War II. He ended up deployed in France, where he witnessed some incredible things. He was kind to everyone and hardworking. The army promoted him to Corporal of the Guard.
Jesse was a typical boy growing up in Small Town USA. The war in Europe started and Jesse went off to serve his country. He was a teenage boy faced with a man's job and, sometimes, he was afraid.